24 June 2013

Vegetarian Kidney Salad for Loners

All of my little green friends have deserted me today, so here's one for loners and weakish wingy indecisive types with cold feet, salt lovers with achy lower backs and all that. Kidney people, you know who you are.

In fact, you shouldn't really be eating salads at all in your condition, have something warm instead. But since nobody cares, and while we are on our own, why not feel a little sorry for ourselves and do it anyway, just for the sake of feeling a little worse and blaming other people for it? Sounds like a soothing plan to me.

Parsley. You want lots of that, it's good for your kidneys.
some fresh oregano
some spring onion
carrot, capsicum (not too cold)
beans! I was sure we had a can of kidney beans when starting this, but someone must have stolen it. I feel too weak to photoshop these white ones, so please have your imagination work on the picture. And apparently kidneys are easily fooled by anthing roughly their shape. They like beans, so lets take advantage of the fact that Mr I-Hate-Beans-and-do-not-get-tired-of-mentioning-it is out wandering.
Some sundried tomatoes.
Lemon juice, salt, and a good olive oil.

Do not make too much if you don't have any friends who will eat it with you.

When I am done with this I will eat all these overexposed muffins and have a good cry.

Ah, and look how empty the bowl looks!
Let me add that tristesse can be further enhanced by someone giving a depressing lecture on the  dull landscape of East Frisia while eating this salad.

Coming up: Salad recipe #100!

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